The group had been split up, as five of the group had jumped off a little early, at a station described as ?in the middle of nowhere?, that said ?Melnik ? Mlazice? which as it turned out was not Melnik. The train pulled out before any ...
The group had been split up, as five of the group had jumped off a little early, at a station described as ?in the middle of nowhere?, that said ?Melnik ? Mlazice? which as it turned out was not Melnik. The train pulled out before any ...
K prodeji nabízíme pěkný rovinatý pozemek obdélníkového tvaru. Pozemek se nachází v klidné části Mlazic. IS jsou v dosahu. Na pozemku jsou vzrostlé ovocné stromy. Dobrá dostupnost do centra Mělníka i do Prahy.